Thoms Pest Services Blog

Dealing with an Animal Stuck in Your Chimney: Expert Wildlife Removal in the Capital Region

Written by Admin | May 29, 2024 2:00:00 PM

If you're hearing strange noises coming from your chimney, it could be a sign of an animal stuck inside. Whether it's seeking shelter or unable to find its way out, dealing with wildlife in your chimney can be a nuisance and a potential hazard. Discover why animals choose chimneys as den sites and how to address this issue effectively.

Understanding Chimney Dwellers

Wild animals often mistake uncapped chimneys for hollow trees, attracted by the shelter they provide. However, the slippery surface of chimneys makes it difficult for animals to climb in and out easily.


Signs of an Animal Stuck in A Chimney

An animal stuck in your chimney may exhibit frantic behavior, such as scratching noises at the damper or flapping of wings. If the damper is open, there's a risk of the animal falling into the fireplace. Keep fireplace doors closed or use a screen to prevent entry into your home.

Alternatively, if the animal is using the chimney as a den site, you may hear occasional movement and the sounds of animal babies calling out to their mother. These noises follow a more predictable pattern and occur at certain times of the day.

Humane Removal Procedures

Attempting to start a fire to force the animal out is not advised, as it can harm or kill the animal. Opt for humane animal removal procedures by contacting a wildlife removal expert like Thomas Pest Services. Our team not only removes the animal safely but also identifies any underlying issues that may attract wildlife to your home. With our expertise, we'll ensure a thorough removal process, cleanup, and prevention of wildlife from returning.



When wildlife becomes a problem in your Capital Region home, trust Thomas Pest Services for expert wildlife removal and prevention solutions. Contact us today to address any wildlife-related issues effectively and safeguard your home and family.


Don't let wildlife take over your chimney. Contact us now for professional wildlife removal services tailored to your needs.