Thomas Pest Services Blog

Albany Area Facing Larger Populations of Boxelder Beetles this Season

Written by Admin | Oct 23, 2012 4:00:00 AM

Boxelder Beetles have been plaguing homeowners in Valatie, East Greenbush, Schenectady and surrounding towns this autumn. Box elders swarm on sunlit sides of structures, around window/doors and sometimes using cracks and crevices around siding, windows and doors to gain entry inside. Boxelder beetles are merging in larger numbers this fall according to the North County Times due to a warm spring followed by a hot, dry summer.

Boxelder bugs are black, about half an inch long with red streaks on their back. Boxelders are drawn to an area with elders and trees of the maple family. Boxelder beetles are more of a nuisance than anything, as they do not carry disease, cause structural damage or harm people. A good freeze will reduce populations as well.


Getting rid of boxelder beetles can be difficult. The best means of prevention is to seal and bug proof your Clifton Park home by caulking joints, pipe chases, windows, doors, around siding, chimneys and adding door sweeps to doors. Not only will this help prevent insects from gaining entry inside, but rodents too! You may even a notice a savings on your energy bill as well. The optimal time to treat occurs during August 15-September 15 prior to bug congregation to help prevent their entry inside.


If you are finding boxelder bugs inside your home, try to locate the openings where the insects have gain access. Look around baseboards, window/door trim, around fans, ceiling lights and caulk to prevent boxelder beetles from crawling out. If you find them inside, take the vacuum cleaner and remove them. Just remember to empty the bag or canister outside once complete. Once boxelder beetles and other overwintering insects like cluster flies and stink bugs have entered the structure, removing them completely can be difficult. An exterminator like Thomas Pest Services can provide temporary relief, but not a longer term solution.


As temperatures cool and warm nights fade into crisp autumn evenings, you may think of apple picking, bon fires or football. However, insects realize now is the time to find a warm place to spend the winter. Unfortunately, many pests will take a winter vacation with us, in our home. Pests like asian lady beetles, boxedler beetles, cluster flies, rodents and stink bugs, to name a few protect themselves from the elements as temperatures cool. Protect your home, family and heath by contacting Thomas Pest Services for a no charge consultation today!