Thomas Pest Services Blog

Albany Bee Removal

Written by Admin | Jul 30, 2012 4:00:00 AM

For most homeowners living in and around the Clifton Park area can expect to find stinging insects buzzing around their home during the summer months. In particular, yellow jackets are most active late summer into fall especially with the dry weather. Yellow jackets are known for nesting in the ground, eaves, attics, behind walls, inside hollow trees, retaining walls and other landscape features.

Before reaching for an over the counter product or garden hose, beware these insects can sting multiple times. DIY methods will cause the yellow jackets to become more aggressive and to effectively solve the problem. These treatment methods will only reach the insects that come in contact with the product. This can cause the yellow jackets to be driven inside causing even more of a health and hazard issue. The yellow jackets inside the nest will continue to build their nest and eventually make their way inside the structure if left untreated.


Yellow jacket control requires specialized equipment and safety precautions. Although it may seem easier, faster and more cost effective to treat on your own, Thomas Pest Services advises not too. Contact your Colonie bee removal specialist, to effectively get rid of stinging insects or other bee removal needs. Thomas Pest Services offers pest control services such as bee nest removal, bee removal, bee hive removal and stinging insect removal. Servicing Valatie, Albany, Schenectady, Latham, Clifton Park, Malta, Saratoga Springs, Queensbury and surrounding areas, contact us today!