Thomas Pest Services Blog

Albany Hotel Occupancy Rates Increase As Does the Risk for Bed Bugs

Written by Admin | Nov 6, 2012 5:00:00 AM

The Times Union reports, hotel occupancy rates and daily room charges for the first three quarters of 2012 are ahead of last year's levels, according to figures from Smith Travel Research. The occupancy rate rose to 63.0 percent in the Capital Region, up from 61.5 percent in 2011 and 57.2 percent in 2010.

"The hotel business has been on an upswing all year," said Gina Mintzer, director of sales for the Albany County Convention and Visitors Bureau.


She said the increase in revenues this year triggered a wave of renovations in area hotel properties. "When there's revenue available, people have put that back into their property," she said. "We've had renovations all over town."Among notable area projects this year, the Hotel Albany has been undergoing a $14 million renovation as it is converted to the Hilton Albany. Rooms have been refurbished and updated, and public spaces, including the lobby, restaurant and lounge area, are undergoing changes. Elsewhere, a Residence Inn is under construction off Washington Avenue Extension in Albany, Mintzer said. And hotel operator Michael Hoffman is planning a new Staybridge Suites off Sand Creek Road just north of Colonie Center.


With increase travel and hotel room turnover also increases the risk of bed bugs. Bed bugs are the size and color of a flat apple seed, like to travel and will hide in suitcases, boxes and shoes to be near a food supply (humans). In addition to the mattress and headboard, bed bugs can be found behind baseboards, electrical switch plates, picture frames, wallpaper, upholstery and in furniture crevices. Before bed bugs ride home in your suitcase, read how to prevent bed bugs and avoid brining bed bugs home. Prevention is the best means to protect yourself and family while traveling to avoid bed bugs. Bed Bugs don’t differentiate between a 5-star hotel and cheap, low amenity motel.


Bed Bugs:

  • Bed bugs can lay one to five eggs in a day and more than 500 in a lifetime.

  • Bed bugs can survive for several months without eating.

  • Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Bed bug draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest.

  • Bed bugs hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.

  • Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.

  • Bed bugs are found in all 50 U.S. states.


Bed Bug Travel Tips:

  • Check your sheets for tell-tale blood spots.

  • Consider bringing a large plastic trash bag to keep your suitcase in during hotel stays.

  • Carry a small flashlight to assist you with quick visual inspections.

  • Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.

  • After returning home, wash and dry all clothing (clean or dirty) to kill all life stages of bed bugs.

  • Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is imperative to seek professional pest control assistance to address an infestation.


If you believe you may have an infestation of bed bugs, if contact property management immediately if you are in an apartment and if you are in a personally owned home it is highly recommended you contact your Albany bed bug removal specialist as soon as possible. Identifying the presence of bed bugs and starting service as soon as possible are important steps to make the process go as quickly and efficiently as possible. For homeowners in Ghent, Schenectady, Albany, Troy, Saratoga and Lake George, we offer effective bed bug services to help solve your bed bug problem. Contact Thomas Pest Services today, for more information about bed bugs or Albany bed bug treatments. Thank you to National Pest Management Association for tips and information regarding bed bugs.