Thomas Pest Services Blog

Avoid Pests at Capital Region Garage/Yard Sales

Written by Admin | Mar 16, 2012 4:00:00 AM

Spring is in the air! Longer days, sunshine, warmth, chirping birds, opening of ice cream stands and yard sales! Who doesn’t love digging for treasures and goodies at yard sales. You certainly do not want to find a great item, bring it home and then have a pest problem.

Most shoppers are naive of the dangers of insects and rodents while shopping. This is not just at yard or garage sales,but also includes thrift stores; supermarkets and wholesale stores.


Avoid bringing pests home by following the tips below.

What it safe to buy?

  • Nothing it technically safe to purchase. However, it is important to understand the sign of a pest infestation before a minor infestation turns into a major infestation.

What is not safe to buy?

  • Avoid purchasing box springs, mattresses, bedding, bed frames, headboards, daybeds, futons and couches. Avoid purchasing hats at yard sales. Hats are filled with bacteria and can carry lice and other pests.

What should you look for?

  • Look for visible insects. More in particular, look for bed bugs. Bed bugs are approximately the size of an apple seed and brown/red in color. Look for black fecal marks similar to pepper around zippers, creases and other conspicuous places.

How should I transport items home:

  • Transporting items home from a garage sale should be placed in a sealed plastic bag/container. Once home wash items and/or vacuum to remove pests.

What should I do when I arrive home?

  • Clothing, linens, shoes should be washed and dried. This process will kill all life stages of insects including bed bugs.


Shopping is always fun, especially when the sun is glowing and you can get a great deal! Practice cautions at your next shopping adventure to avoid bringing home unpleasant surprises. If a item becomes a pest issue, contact your Albany pest control professional, via our online contact form.