Thoms Pest Services Blog

Benefits Of Exclusion | Saratoga Springs Pest Control

Written by Admin | Mar 31, 2018 4:00:00 AM

It is always better to be proactive when it comes to almost anything in life. Being proactive can help avoid some disastrous outcomes, saving us time, money and in some cases, heartache. When you can be proactive in a situation instead of reactive, your chances of success are greatly multiplied. This is especially true with pest control, using preventative measures is far better than reacting after pests have invaded your home. Pests can cause discomfort, damage, and can in some cases cause serious health concerns. This is where exclusion comes in.


Exclusion is the pest control approach that focuses on turning your property into an environment that is both as unappealing as possible to pests, and more importantly, is difficult for them to move into easily. Exclusion is one of the key techniques used in Integrated Pest Management, an approach to pest control that minimizes chemical usage by employing measures that target pest culture and biology. By closing off the avenues pests normally use to enter structures, humans can minimize the chances of an infestation, as most pests are looking for easy access to food and shelter. Practicing exclusion on your property takes some time and effort, but in the long run, it will not only keep out pests but can help to prevent moisture issues and heat loss, saving you money in living costs and repairs.


There are many exclusion techniques that homeowners can implement right at home which can make a difference in keeping pests out. These really boil down to sealing your house thoroughly and not allowing its immediate surroundings to be attractive to pests. Applying caulking to cracks in window and door frames, repairing damaged siding and eaves, as well as checking entry points for utilities is highly recommended. Foundations are a major concern, and cracks should be repaired both to prevent pests and moisture problems. Chimneys and vents are often neglected areas of buildings and can be fitted with protective caps and screening. As far as around the house, vegetation up against the structure provides cover for critters, and sometimes acts as a natural bridge right to your roof or to otherwise difficult to access entry points. Mulch traps moisture, attracts a great variety of insect life, and is a great segue from the protection of a lawn or shrubbery right up to the edge of your buildings. Debris, poorly sealed and processed garbage, and improperly stored pet foods are also major attractions for pests.


Thomas Pest Services highly recommends utilizing exclusion in the defense of your home against pests, and we can help you implement and maintain these protective measures through our year-round pest control service, the Complete Care Plan. We can also recommend products and services that can make a big difference in excluding pests like door sweeps that can limit pests ability to sneak into your home. Door sweeps can also block the light and smells that draw pests to your property in the first place. By ensuring that our staff are highly trained and up to date on the latest in pest prevention, and are always looking for innovative products to help keep pests out of your home, Thomas Pest Services is able to offer you pest control that does more than remove pests that have set up house in your home; we make your home a safe haven from the frustration and risks pests cause. Get "proactive," and call today for information about our year-round protection, or to set up an inspection of your property today!