Thoms Pest Services Blog

Benefits Of Pest Control When Buying Or Selling Your Home

Written by Admin | Jan 13, 2017 5:00:00 AM

Buying or selling your home is an exciting, joyful, stressful, and some may even say painful process. There are tons of little details to think about as either the buyer or seller, one detail that should not be left off of the list, is pest control. That’s right pest issues can make or break a sale. You don’t want to buy a house that is infested with carpenter ants, bed bugs, spiders, termites, mice and other pests; and trying to sell a home that is infested with pests is going to make the already tedious process even more difficult!


When you decide to sell your home and don’t already have a pest control program in place, now is that time to do so. With a home pest control program your current home will be inspected and through the inspection process, you may discover that there are pest issues in your home that you weren’t even aware of. Pest problems can range from a few ants in the kitchen to a family of mice in the attic, millipedes in the basement, or to a more severe problem like discovering that termites are using your home as their feeding ground.


If it is discovered that pests aren’t a problem in your home after the inspection is complete, putting into place a year-round home pest control plan will ensure that it stays that way well into the future. If pests are discovered, treatment can begin as quickly as possible - pests will be eliminated and future infestations by pests will be prevented against! Solving a pest problem before you get too deep in the home selling process will definitely cause you a lot less headaches and stress later on.


If you are on the other side of the process and are looking to buy your first home, having an inspection completed by a pest control expert, is the best way to ensure that your new dream home doesn’t become a nightmare. When getting a home inspected for pests it is important that the inspection is completed by a pest control professional, don’t rely on a home inspector to identify potential pest issues. Home inspectors are great at identifying problems with structural elements of a home including issues with the electric, appliances, HVAC system, plumbing, and roof. However, they aren’t highly trained to identify problems with pests. The experienced and dedicated pest control professionals at Thomas Pest Services know where pests like to hide and live, can easily identify signs of pest issues within a home, and can put into place a plan of action. If pest problems are identified in a home you are buying the issues can be potentially taken of care by the owner before purchase.


Whether you are buying or selling a home, a professional pest inspection and the implementation of pest control services is a win/win for everybody. At Thomas Pest Services we can protect homes from a wide variety of pests like carpenter ants, mice, spiders, cockroaches and more through our year-round residential pest control programs. We also offer individual services to take care of specific problems with pests like bed bugs and termites. If you are thinking about buying or selling your home, give us a call at Thomas today and let us help take some of the stress out of the process!