Thoms Pest Services Blog

Carpenter Ants in the House

Written by Admin | Feb 26, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Perhaps you may have already spotted a few ants in the kitchen or ants in the house. Like many insects, ants are beginning to wake up, but do not shrug off ants, as “just ants.” Many Clifton Park NY homeowners and other Capital Region homeowners fail to recognize is that carpenter ants are capable of causing significant structural damage.

Carpenter ants, vary in size and color but are usually large (1/4-1/2 inch) and blackish. Carpenter ant swarms usually occur in the spring and are an indication that a colony is nesting somewhere inside the structure. Carpenter ants in the house in the winter indicate there is a nest within the structure. Carpenter ants in the house in the spring and summer could be foragers from a nest located within the home or an invader from outside.


Locating the source of carpenter ants is important, yet difficult. Your Thomas Pest Services representative is trained to observe ants from the outside to locate their trails into the home looking for a pattern of movement. The presence of frass, sawdust from carpenter ants, which is “kicked out” while carpenter ants their galleries is an important clue in locating ant nests. Carpenter ants in the spring and summer are more active at night moving to and from the satellite to parent colony. A carpenter ant parent colony may be a tree where the satellite colony is located in your home’s wall.


The best way to get rid of ants is to locate and treat the nest directly. Carpenter ant control is sometimes easier said than done, why you should contact an ant removal specialist right away. Big black ants are not just ants! With their scent trails between the satellite and parent colony, over the counter products are not going to fully solve carpenter ant infestations.


As the weather warms up, do not worry about a carpenter ant infestation. Contact Thomas Pest Services who will address your ant problem quickly using the most up to date technologies to exterminate the carpenter ant nests. Contact your Ballston Spa ant removal specialists, whether it’s one ant, ten ants, piles of sawdust or other signs of ants. Do not let these insects continue to damage your structure, contact Thomas Pest Services for a free inspection.