Thomas Pest Services Blog

Getting rid of bugs!

Written by Admin | Jun 12, 2012 4:00:00 AM

For many at the first sight of pests, individuals try do it yourself measures or over the counter products rather than hiring an exterminator. Sometimes these methods are effective, but most times hiring a pest control professional is necessary. Until now, pest control professionals have not had proof that many common consumer products are ineffective besides seeing homeowners struggle with infestations.

However, Time Magazine states, researchers from the Department of Entomology at Ohio State University studied bug bombs/foggers against the newest invader, bed bugs. Their study with three different products, which all claimed “on contact kill” proved to be ineffective and the bed bugs all remained alive five to seven days later.


Choosing between “do it yourself” and professional pest control, maybe of personal preference, but the answer should be well thought out. However, as a pest professional the costs can far outweigh the benefits.

  • Pest control products can be extremely harmful to people and pets.
  • Consumers often do not follow product labels. Read the instructions and follow them! Do not try to double the dosage or triple the amount – there is a reason they place instructions on the products.
  • Professionals understand how to solve your pest problem, while protecting the environment. Professionals understand how to use chemicals without damaging the environment.
  • Professionals understand how products and insect biology work together. This is important in reaching control.
  • Trying to solve the problem on your own can be costly. After attempting to treat on your own and then calling a professional is costing and timely. Contacting a local pest professional from the start would have been the best choice.


We at Thomas Pest Services take pride in helping Clifton Park homeowners, Albany commercial facilities and surrounding areas achieve and maintain a pest free environment. For more information on pest control in Lake George, Saratoga, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Schenectady, Ghent or elsewhere in upstate New York, please contact us for a free estimate today.