Thoms Pest Services Blog

Having Trouble With Ants In Hudson?

Written by Admin | Mar 22, 2019 4:00:00 AM

We get a ton of calls for ant control in Hudson this time of year. Carpenter ants in particular, the ant we face most often is gearing up right now. As the temperatures begin to increase each day, they will begin to look for food to support their growing colony. Setting up their colony unfortunately takes place in our homes, reason for seeing big, large, black ants.


"What type of ants do we have in New York State?"

Carpenter ants, acrobat ants, pavement ants, odorous house ants, pharaoh ants, and citronella ants.


"What are these black ants?"

It is important to know whether or not the ants on your property or in your home are carpenter ants. There are a couple of ants that can be confused for carpenter ants. Here are a few quick ways to tell if yours are carpenter ants.

  • They will be ¼ to ½ in. in size.

  • They will be mostly or all black, with some reddish tint to their coloring.

  • They will have what looks like a tiny body part between their chest (thorax) and their hind quarter (abdomen).


"What are these yellow ants?"

If the ants you are finding are yellowish in color, you have citronella ants or pharaoh ants. Citronella ants are smaller than pharaoh ants and they give off a citrus smell when you squish them. It is important to figure out which of these two ants you have because pharaoh ants are much more disruptive and difficult to control.


"How do I keep ants out of my Hudson, New York home?"

Having a professional remove ant colonies in your yard and with a perimeter and foundation barrier is the best way to keep all ants out, but here are some things you can do to resist any intruders.

  • Seal any cracks you find in your basement walls.

  • Seal around pipes, outlets, air conditioning units and other objects that pass through your walls.

  • Check all your weather stripping, door sweeps and screens. Make sure everything is in good working order.

  • Use a dehumidifier in your basement or other areas that have moisture. If ants get in, you want them to find it dry in your home.

  • Seal food sources.

  • Keep things clean.

  • Put food down for your pets only during meal times.


If you're dealing with ants in your Hudson, NY home, let the team at Thomas Pest Services help you find the ants and get rid of them. Thomas Pest Services has taken home the Angie's List Super Service Award for the last eight years. We have a track record for making customers happy and we know how to fix ant problems fast. We would love an opportunity to fix yours.