Thomas Pest Services Blog

National Head Lice Prevention Month

Written by Admin | Sep 19, 2011 4:00:00 AM

The National Pediculosis Association ® (NPA) kicks off another Comb First! campaign for back-to-school this September. September is National Head Lice Prevention Month. The goal is to help families and communities control head lice without exposing themselves and their environment to pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

NPA suggests screening for head lice and nits as a healthy hygiene measure and not just something to do when you hear of another infested child.

1. Know how to identify lice and nits in advance of outbreaks.

2. Know how to check heads at home so kids can arrive to the group setting lice and nit free.

3. Know your child's school policy on head lice.


NPA's website offers free educational resources and a public service announcement formatted for sharing, including videos with step-by-step instructions for combing and screening, available in English and Spanish.


Thomas Pest Services receives many inquires in regards lice, however it is a public health matter. In honor of National Head Lice Prevention Month, we thought a short blog to helpful links would be beneficial if someone ever has questions or experiences lice.