Thomas Pest Services Blog

Pest Proofing Your Home

Written by Admin | Oct 18, 2011 4:00:00 AM

RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)®, announced that a recent survey conducted by the trade association shows that nearly 70 percent of homeowners state that zero is the acceptable number of pests allowed inside their home before they take action to get rid of them.

The fall season offers the most advantageous time of the year to protect homes, lawns and communities against unwelcome pests and disease, such as being able to identify cool-air leaks where holes or cracks might invite critters to come inside. Pests are serious business, letting a problem go unattended could cause serious damage to your home and spread unwanted disease. RISE offers a simple acronym to help homeowners pest-proof their homes this fall.

IN vestigate. Become a pest detective and investigate your home and yard for clues that pests may be present. You never know where they may be lurking.

S tudy. Take a deeper look into your home and study the situation, learn more about the pests causing problems and the damage they can bring with them.

P repare. In this step, plan how to most effectively solve your problem. Proper planning includes understanding the safe and correct way to execute any pest control approach.

E liminate. Put your plan into action. This step includes eliminating the pests’ entry way into your home and eliminating problems that already exist.

C lean. Once you’ve eliminated welcoming entries for pests, maintaining a clean home and lawn is essential for discouraging pests from calling your home theirs.

T reat. Proactive and preventative treatment is key when talking about pests.

Treating for problems at the first sign or before they appear will keep your home pest-free. Take a look at this checklist for things you can do around your property. If you would like a professional to assist you with this, contact us for a free pest audit.