Thomas Pest Services Blog

Pests and Dry Weather Conditions

Written by Admin | Jul 9, 2012 4:00:00 AM

The Times Union reports, “Seasonable, dry weather ahead.” For most people their brown lawn or drooping flowers indicate daily watering. But what does that suggest for pest pressures in and around the Albany area? Thomas Pest Services is here to explain what dry weather means for pests in the Clifton Park and surround areas.

Dry conditions affect pests in the following ways:

  • Lack of moisture outside drives pests inside structures to find water.
  • Pests may establish breeding sites and harborages in and around your home – in debris, bricks, rocks, firewood, etc.
  • During dry weather, ants, earwigs, millipedes, pillbugs and sowbugs, crickets and spiders are the most common pests to seek water indoors. Their reduced food supply outside, makes them search elsewhere for a food source.
  • Millipedes have been known to leave leaf litter, mulch or a lawn and move in migrations of thousands when their harborages dry out – inevitably invading homes that stand in their way.
  • Mosquitoes are laying eggs in stagnant water due to decrease rain water. Ponds, gutters, pool covers, coolers and flower pots are just a few places where sprinkler or rain water can collect. Drain standing water, empty and clean birdbaths frequently and pet water dishes too.


Dry conditions prompt pests to invade structures in search of the basic necessities, food, water and shelter. Ants, bees, mosquitoes, spiders, ticks are just some of the summer pests in the Clifton Park area. These insects have the ability to invade your Saratoga home/business or outdoor gathering. Thomas Pest Services is your pest expert in Northeast New York serving towns in and around Chatham, East Greenbush, Albany, Schenectady, Clifton Park, Malta, Saratoga, Edinburgh and Lake George. Contact us today, for a pest solution that meets your property, family and pest needs, so you can enjoy your summer without bothersome pests.