Thoms Pest Services Blog

Prevent Bees Clifton Park NY

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2013 4:00:00 AM

Was yesterday beautiful or what? The warm weather kicked off spring in my neighborhood. Sitting outside yesterday eating lunch, my husband and I counted several wasps, a few spiders, one or two ants and carpenter bees. These pests begin invading homes and businesses in and around Clifton Park NY in the spring and throughout the summer months. The best way to prevent bees, ants and other general crawling/flying insects is with a few simple tips and suggestions from your Clifton Park NY Pest Control Professional.

Prevent Bees:

Be careful when eating outdoors. Sugary foods and drinks will attract bees, ants and other pests. Be alert with a drink outdoors, you don’t want to swallow any insects. If there are any spills, be sure to clean up immediately.


Keep garbage and recycling bins closed and rinse frequently. Pests will feed on any leftover food or drink residue. Keep tightly sealed to prevent insects and pests from enjoying your garbage or residues left on the bottom of the bins.


Why should you leave bee removal to a professional?

Stinging insects can be dangerous especially if you are allergic. Stinging insects like hornets and wasps have stingers that can be painful. Carpenter bees may look aggressive, but males are not capable of stinging. Female carpenter bees have stingers, but rarely sting.


Getting rid of bees and other stinging insects can be difficult. Do it yourself control methods are not always effective to get rid of bees and prevent bees and other insects. Thomas Pest Services offers effective pest control services in Ballston Spa NY and surrounding areas to get rid of bees, ants and other general crawling/fling insects. Thomas Pest Services’ provides services to resolve and prevent bees from being a nuisance with their trained and licensed pest professionals.


Nothing makes stinging insects’ like bees and yellow jackets angrier than when someone disturbs or destroys its home. Throughout the spring, summer months in the Capital Region battling pests of all kinds will keep the professionals at Thomas Pest Services busy. When you contact our office, we will arrange a free inspection to identify areas of concerns and provide recommendations, treatment options and pricing for those bee services. Prevent bees from stinging your, your family or pets, contact Thomas Pest Services for a proactive and green approach to solving your bee problems.