Thomas Pest Services Blog

Prevent Clothing Pests

Written by Admin | Sep 28, 2012 4:00:00 AM

The temperatures in and around Albany are beginning to cool down reminding us fall is in the air. For many individuals, a new season indicates it’s time to put clothes away and bring out different clothes. This time of year can be depressing storing away bathing suits, fun summer dresses and tropical shirts, while unloading sweaters, hats, gloves and winter clothing. If you’re like me – you enjoy summer time, but enjoy the fall festivities of apple picking, pumpkin carving and everything pumpkin!

Thomas Pest Services warns that certain pests can invade your favorite seasonal items. Like what you ask? Clothes moths, carpet beetles and silverfish can damage your favorite items, but there are certain precautions Clifton Park residents can take to avoid this happening.

  • Before packing items away, make sure all items are properly laundered. Laundering item prevents build up of dirt, oil and other debris, which pests are attracted to. Another solution is to freeze the item (if there is room in your freezer) for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Store items in a clear plastic container. After you remove your fall/winter items it is a good idea to vacuum to clean out the container.
  • While your elbows deep in your closet, take the time to clean the dust balls, spider webs and even the dresser drawers. These proactive steps reduce the chance of pest infestations.
  • Another cleaning tip for your home is to vacuum the home thoroughly. Carpet Beetles are commonly found in carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture. Take the times to vacuum these areas to reduce food sources for common insects to reproduce.


Living in Albany, Clifton Park, Malta or throughout the Capital Region, residents have the opportunity to enjoy each seasons rituals. When packing away your clothes take the extra time to follow the tips above to prevent cloth infesting pests from invading your items. You definitely do not want the next season to come around and find your favorite items to have holes in it or look disheveled from clothing pests. If you begin unpacking and notice a damaged item or have questions about preventing clothing pests, contact your Clifton Park pest control expert. Thomas Pest Services is the Capital Regions pest control company with third generation experience you can trust!