Thoms Pest Services Blog

Prevent insects at outdoor events in Clifton Park, NY | Saratoga, NY

Written by Admin | May 31, 2012 4:00:00 AM

Insects have been uninvited guests for many homeowners and properties in and around the Albany area. Outdoor insects can be very bothersome at outdoor events turning a fun event into an itchy event. Unfortunately, insects are an essential part of the ecosystem and are going to exist no matter what measures are taken. However, there are ways to reduce the amount of insects surrounding outdoor get-togethers, and the below list can help do just that! The following are some ways to ward off insects around the home or outdoor area according to Go Green LED Bulbs. Insects Good for your Garden

  • Eating Certain Foods - There are certain foods that when eaten, will seep through pores and create an invisible barrier to turn away mosquitoes and other bugs. Garlic, chives, zinc, and vitamin B are all ingredients that can keep insects away.
  • Bug Spray – Using traditional bug spray is one of the most popular ways to ward off bugs. A bug spray containing the ingredient DEET is considered to be the most effective.
  • Natural Herbs - There are several types of herbs you can grow outdoors near your patio or porch that repel insects. Most bugs, specifically mosquitoes, are turned away by garlic, basil, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, and rosemary.
  • Light Bulbs – Although light bulbs will not kill insects, certain colors will keep insects away from you and your guests, as well as the home. Choosing a yellow color bulb over a white color bulb can help. Most night insects cannot see, therefore, are not attracted to. This type of light will also draw spiders away because they tend to choose the location of their homes depending on the amount of insects in the area.
  • Citronella Candles and Torches - Candles and torches that burn off of citronella oils are effective in keeping mosquitoes and other bugs away. Keep in mind, however, that these tend to only be effective within about a four foot radius.
  • Fans - According to, mosquitoes and other insects are deterred by wind currents, so surround your outdoor get-together with fans to keep them away.
  • Outdoor Spotlights and Floodlights - According to GE Lighting, positioning your outdoor light source away from your guests and home will also help keep the bugs away. For example, spotlights or floodlights that are placed higher up and project light further away are ideal. LED light bulbs should be used because they do not emit the UV light that most insects are attracted to. They also do not emit nearly as much heat as incandescent bulbs, also aiding in the prevention of a massive amount of bugs around your home.


Living in and around the Capital Region it is inevitable this summer you will be outside enjoying the sun, your property, family and friends. With these simple tips, you can help reduce flying and stinging insects like wasps, yellow jackets, flies and mosquitoes. Unfortunately, keeping these insects away from your property is nearly impossible, but our outdoor service can help. With simple precautions you can potentially avoid painful encounters with biting, flying, or stinging insects. Thomas Pest Services, your pest control experts can help reduce you and your families’ risk. If you live in Clifton Park or elsewhere in the Capital Region and need assistance getting rid of wasps or other mosquito/tick control, fill out our contact form today!