A recent article from the Albany Business Journal sheds light on the serious effects ticks and Lyme disease has on individuals. Lyme disease has been a growing problem in the Northeast and legislatures in New York and Vermont are considering legislation to shield physicians from punishment if they prescribe more antibiotics than the medical establishment considers necessary.
Some patients with lingering effects of the disease have reported improvement with long-term antibiotic treatment, but the general medical practice is for antibiotic treatment to stop after four-weeks.
Preventing Lyme Disease:
Living in and around the Capital Region it is inevitable you will come across ticks. Unfortunately, keeping these insects away from your property is nearly impossible, but our pest management services can help. With simple precautions you can potentially avoid encounters with these biting insects. Thomas Pest Services, your Saratoga pest control experts can help reduce you and your families’ risk. If you live in Clifton Park or elsewhere in the Capital Region and need assistance getting rid of ticks, fill out our contact form today!