Thomas Pest Services Blog

Signs of a Pest Infestation

Written by Admin | Oct 18, 2012 4:00:00 AM

When pests and rodents feel the temperatures dropping, they begin looking for a place to spend the cooler months. Unfortunately, our home turns into their home as well. As a new season approaches homeowners usually take the opportunity to clean, switching clothing, place items in the attic and prepare for the new season ahead. During this time, it is also a great time to look for any pest infestations. Depending upon the pest, there are certain signs of a pest infestation.

Signs of a Pest Infestation:

Droppings. Rodents are not the only ones to leave behind droppings, but cockroaches too. Droppings are often found in cupboards, under appliances, behind boxes and other hidden locations where pests can be secretive. Be mindful of rodent droppings and the dangers of cleaning up. With the recent cases of Hantavirus in the Adirondacks, it is best to leaves the cleanup to your local pest control company.


Entry Points. Mice only need an entry point the size of a dime to get inside, whereas a rat needs a quarter size entry point. Entry points can be found around pipes, electrical/air conditioner areas, vent areas along with many other areas. Allow a pest control company to inspect your home looking for entry points to prevent rodent and pest entry – stop them from coming inside with exclusion.


Gnawed Items. Rodents are constantly gnawing on items from wires, boxes, packaging to keep their teeth short. Electrical shorts or visible damaged wires are a sign of rodents and should be taken care of immediately to avoid a fire. If you find evidence of shredding or nibbled food packing, throw away and use airtight glass or plastic containers to prevent a future infestation. Contacting a pest control representative is a good idea as well.


Nests/Nesting materials. Rodents and larger pests will use almost anything from paper, insulation, fabric, organic matter to build a nest. Rodents and wildlife seek shelter behind/under/ in appliances, cabinets, drawers, wall voids, ceilings and other undisturbed areas. If you happen to come across a nest or nesting material do not remove, contact a rodent removal company to properly dispose of.


Sawdust/Holes in Wood. The most popular wood-destroying insect in and around Clifton Park is the carpenter ant. Carpenter ants do not eat wood, but remove wood as they create galleries and tunnels. This is why you may find piles of frass (saw dusts) as they create their nests. Powder post beetles tunnel below the wood surface, leaving holes and a powder-like frass. Termites, another wood destroying insect, eat wood, so common signs include loose trim, mud tubes, sagging floors or termite swarms. Wood destroying insects should be treated by a pest control professional, not do it yourself methods.


Wings or carcasses. Many insects will shed their wings or shed their carcasses like carpenter ants, roaches, bed bugs, termites and many more. These items can be found in multiple locations or concentrated in one area. This could be the first sign of an infestation and should be inspected right away.


Dried blood spots. Bed bugs feces are tiny blood spots left behind after bed bugs feed on their victim’s blood. These dark brown/black spots are found where bed bugs often hide around mattress seams, bedding, behind picture frames and furniture. Bed bugs can be very difficult to eliminate, contact your bed bug removal company immediately to prevent them from spreading and getting worse.


Keeping an eye out for pest and rodent signs and help prevent an infestation from growing. At the first signs of infestation, contact a Clifton Park pest Control Company like Thomas Pest Services for a no charge home audit. Thomas Pest Services highly suggests not purchasing over-the-counter products, as these can often make matters even worse. The best action you can take for your home, family and property is contacting a pest management professional.