Thomas Pest Services Blog

Snakes on a plane...nope, Cockroaches on a plane!

Written by Admin | Nov 15, 2011 5:00:00 AM

If you have ever seen the movie "Snakes on a Plane" it surely can give you nightmares. How would you feel if you were thousands of feet in the air and had an encounter with cockroaches? A couple was taking an Air Tran flight from Charlotte, N.C., to Houston, TX and encountered roaches! The insects were crawling out of the plane’s air vents and carry-on compartments. Now, the couple is suing Air Tran for $100,000 for damages.

This gets us thinking...what are some other pests and bugs on a plane you can encounter.

Bed Bugs. Usually half of the passengers on any flights just came from a hotel, while the other half came from home. Suitcases have the potential to carry infested items. These luggage pieces are either placed in over head compartments or under the plane with other luggage and belongings. During flights, bed bugs usually have hours to move around amongst the luggage. Plane seats are heaven for bed bugs. These upholstered or leather seats provide many hiding places and their host is right there! Sitting on a plane for hours is essentially like sleeping (some passengers do), sitting still as a perfect meal for a bed bug. Of course, there is the potential to bring them home on your business trip or vacation, (we can help)!


Fleas. Some passengers can not part with their furry pets and travel with them. Our friends usually spend the flight duration under the seat or in the plane cargo. Sometimes our friends can have fleas, too! A sure indication of fleas would be itching legs and feet. Depending on the infestation level of the source, the insects can be carried on clothing and belongings. A recommended tip after traveling is to wash items in hot water and dry them.


Don't let traveling turn into a nightmare, call Thomas Pest Services for all your pest control needs. Serving residential and commercial customers in Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Renesselear, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren & Washington Counties.