Thoms Pest Services Blog

Thousands of bees discovered inside Cohoes home

Written by Admin | Aug 22, 2013 4:00:00 AM

COHOES, N.Y. -- Cohoes police, fire and code enforcement were called to a home on Hemple Street Monday afternoon after neighbors reported not seeing the homeowners for a while and a large amount of bees around the home.

When crews arrived, they said there were tens of thousands of bees inside the home, almost completely covering the inside windows.


The city says the homeowners were not home, and they are currently in the process of trying to contact them. A local beekeeper, Matthew Graff, was called to the scene and identified the bees as honeybees that had most likely been in the walls of the home since spring.


"They are pretty benign. Honeybees are not out to kill anyone. They are not African killer bees. They are just concerned about making a home, collecting pollen, protecting their queen and going about being bees," said Graff.


He says a beekeeper will now go into the home to collect the bees and move them to another secure location so they can continue making their honey.


Thousands of bees discovered inside Cohoes home


The Times Union features pictures that are creating a buzz.