Thoms Pest Services Blog

'Tis the Season for Stinging Insects

Written by Admin | May 31, 2013 4:00:00 AM

As we say good bye to May, we welcome in June and the beginning of summer. Warmer temperatures, sunny days and stinging insects! Bees, hornets, yellow jackets and wasps to name a few will be out in force. For many, stinging insects have already welcomed themselves onto your property, if they haven’t they certainly will.

Stinging insects will overwinter in homes and other buildings in voids or attics. In the spring, they emerge from their hiding places and look for a way outside. Once outside, the queen stays pretty close to the warmth of buildings while looking for an appropriate nest site. They don’t reuse old nests but they do tend to build their nests in the same sites year after year. The queen starts the best with just a few paper cells in which she lays eggs. As workers develop, they take over the tasks of rearing the young. New cells are added to the perimeter as the nest grows.Stinging Insect Nests - Wasp Nest, Hornet Nest, Yellow Jacket Nest


Look for stinging insect nests:


  • Hornet nests look like gray, paper-mache in trees and shrubs, which look an upside down teardrop-shape.
  • Hornet nests begin to be noticed during June and July.

Paper Wasps:

  • Wasps nests are gray in color and can range in size.
  • Wasps prefer nesting in attics but will nest practically anywhere; in eave peaks, behind shutters, under deck railings, in gas grills, swing sets, mailboxes, and light fixtures.
  • Wasps nests aren’t very large and can be tucked into any little nook or cranny.

Yellow Jackets:

  • Yellow Jackets nest in trees, shrubs, under decks, or high in the eaves, their nest is very visible and easy to identify; a "football" or upside down teardrop-shaped nest constructed from gray paper.
  • When yellow jackets nest inside a structure (such as your home) the nest is not at all visible. You’ll see them flying in and out at some small gap, crack, or crevice on the exterior of your house. Note: Please do not seal this entrance hole shut.
  • When yellow jackets nest inside, listen to your wall or ceiling for a crackling, tickling, "rustling-leaves" sound. Those are yellow jackets going about the business of building their hive and slowly chewing through your plaster or drywall.


As a homeowner you can reduce stinging insect problems around your home and property by reducing favorable conditions that encourage their development. Keeping gutters clean, trees/shrubs pruned away from the home, keeping grass short and preventing areas of stagnant water will reduce conducive conditions needed for insect development.


Prevent bees from stinging your, your family or pets, with Thomas Pest Services’ Exterior Pest Guard Service for a proactive and preventative way to solve your bee problems. Getting rid of bees and other stinging insects can be difficult, so avoid do it yourself control methods. Don't get stung! Thomas Pest Services offers effective pest control services in Clifton Park NY and surrounding areas to get rid of bees, ants and other general crawling/fling insects. Thomas Pest Services’ provides services to resolve and prevent bees from being a nuisance with their trained and licensed pest professionals.

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