Thoms Pest Services Blog

Travel Free of Bed Bugs this Holiday

Written by Admin | Dec 17, 2012 5:00:00 AM

For many residents in the Capital Region, time is running out to prepare for the holidays with last minute shopping and other errands. Like me, many in the Capital Region will spend their holiday traveling to friends and families.

Whether you are flying, driving or taking a train to your destination, beware of bed bugs. Bed bug prevention tips will make your holiday and trip bed bug free! A common bed bug myth is bed bugs are only found near the bed. Bed bug’s nickname is the hitchhiker, so they can be found in homes, businesses, libraries, public transportation, stores along with many other places.


Why are bed bugs found beyond the bed? Bed bugs hitchhiking ability allows them to go unnoticed and transported from place to place. Once they arrive at a new location, they search for a hiding spot and wait for a blood meal to arrive.


When arriving at a hotel, inspect for signs of bed bugs and follow our bed bug travel tips.

Thousands of thousands people utilize public transportation each day, increasing the risk of bed bugs. When the holiday season approaches, traveling increases along with the risk of bed bugs. When traveling this holiday avoid bringing bed bugs to your destination with these bed bug tips:

  • Before taking a seat, inspect for bed bugs and signs of bed bugs.
  • Avoid using storage compartments.
  • Avoid placing clothing and belongings on seats as bed bugs can use these items to hitchhike.
  • Once reaching your destination, inspect your clothing and belongings for bed bugs. Look along seam and zippers of shoes, clothing, luggage and other baggage.
  • If possible, place belongings in the dryer for 1 hour at the highest setting to kill all life stages of bed bugs.


When returning home from your trip, inspect belongings for signs of bed bugs and dry all items that can be dried for 1 hour at the highest setting. Over the next few weeks beware of any new bites and continue to inspect for bed bugs and bed bug signs. Contact us about Promise, our bed bug scent detection K9 to provide you peace of mind.


When following the bed bug tips above and having the education about bed bugs, you should have no worries when traveling. It is important to perform inspections when you arrive and return home to remain bed bug free. Living in Albany, Clifton Park, Saratoga or any other Capital Region communities, Thomas Pest Services is your local exterminator who provides bed bug treatments. At the first signs of bed bugs, contact Thomas Pest Services and do not try to treat on your own.