Several pests are encompassed in the category of stinging insects, including bees, wasps and hornets. Stinging insects are in their peak as the weather is warmer and the sun is shining. Stinging insects send half a million people to the emergency room each year according to the National Pest Management Association. Although stinging insects are not labeled as public health threats, homeowners who suspect a stinging insect infestation should not attempt to control the infestation by themselves.
Why shouldn't homeowners try to control stinging insects without the help of a trained professional?
Many types of stinging insects, such as yellow jackets, are social insects. They will sting to protect themselves and members of their colony. The insects give off pheromones, which cause other members of the colony to react as well. The chaotic reaction is too dangerous for a homeowner to address alone.
What will a professional do to control stinging insects?
The first step in controlling any pest infestation is to identify it correctly. After the type of pest is identified there are a variety of control methods that a bee removal professional could take. The professional will use appropriate steps, techniques and equipment to address the particular type of infestation.
What type of stinging insect nest do you have?
Paper Wasps:
Solitary Wasps:
Yellow Jacket
What are some tips to deal with stinging insects?
Be aware of stinging insect nesting areas, and use extreme caution when around them. Stinging insects can build their nests in attics, crawlspaces, building corners, under gutters, and under patios or decks. Seal exterior cracks and crevices to prevent insects from entering a structure and building nests.
Properly identifying the stinging insect buzzing on around your Capital Region property is important in determining the correct treatment. Unfortunately, keeping wasps, bees, yellow jackets and other stinging insects away from your property is nearly impossible. With simple precautions you can potentially avoid painful encounters with these stinging insects. Thomas Pest Services, your bee control experts can help reduce you and your families risk. If you live in Clifton Park or elsewhere in the Capital Region and need assistance getting rid of wasps or other stinging insects, complete our contact form today!