Thoms Pest Services Blog

Why You Should Consider TAP Insulation

Written by Admin | Sep 11, 2014 4:00:00 AM

Do you have insulation in your home? If you do, you're probably using fiberglass. Now, fiberglass is fine...if you're a rodent looking to build a nest. But for a homeowner, fiberglass is not actually the best option.

What matters most when purchasing insulation? It should keep your home warm. It should be flame resistant. And it should be inexpensive. Right? Most people don't even consider whether or not it will be resistant to pests. Or, whether or not it will be easy to install.

  • In every way possible, TAP insulation is a better choice than fiberglass. Here's why.

  • 87% of TAP insulation comes from recycled newsprint. That is pretty amazing when compared to fiberglass, which is only 0-20% recycled material.

  • The natural borates in TAP insulation makes it flame retardant.

  • Those borates also kill household pests. That means no more rodents living in your attic.

  • Homeowners typically see a 20-38% savings after installing TAP. That equals lower cooling costs in the summer, and lower heating costs in the winter.

  • TAP is a blown insulation. That means no extra costs, or overages. You only pay for what you need.

  • If you need to get into those crawl spaces, TAP has no odor, and doesn't cause skin irritation.

  • TAP has been tested by the EPA, and has been shown to be resistant to fungi. Unlike other insulations, you won't have to worry about mold growth with TAP.

If you're looking for less bugs, no mold, lower energy bills, and a more environmentally friendly insulations, TAP is the only way to go.


What if I already have fiberglass installed?

You can still get the benefits of TAP, by putting it over your existing fiberglass.

  • You'll add another layer of insulation, and that will take the bite out of those energy bills.

  • You'll be adding bug and rodent protection. The borates in TAP will kill those bugs and rodents before they have a chance to make your attic their new home. No more pests in the attic climbing down through wall voids, and no more chewed wires and pest feces.

  • You'll be protecting your home from mold, which can be a nightmare to get rid of.

  • And, you'll be covering that itchy fiberglass insulation with something much less abrasive.


It just makes sense to add TAP to your home protection plan. Pests and mold can ruin your home. Fight back, and save money on your energy bills, at the same time. Call us today and learn more.