Thoms Pest Services Blog

Why You Should Have The Professionals Control Mosquitoes And Ticks

Written by Admin | May 26, 2017 4:00:00 AM

The Capital Region and the Adirondacks are beautiful in the spring and summer. We have the Hudson, hundreds of areas to hike, and beautiful flowers in bloom, but we also have lots of pests. The Albany area is quite familiar with these pests, but the most concerning ones this year are ticks and mosquitoes. You want to get outside now that the snow has stopped and the rain finally subsided this season. You want to enjoy your green grass, your fire pit, and your garden, all without worrying about ticks and mosquitoes. You should turn to professional pest control services in the Albany area to get rid of these dangerous pests.


3 Reasons Why You Need to Get Rid of Ticks and Mosquitoes

Here are the most important reasons you need to turn to pest control services this year to get rid of ticks and mosquitoes.

  1. The population is out of control - According to the New York State Health Department, ticks and mosquitoes are back with a vengeance this year. It is because they actually never went away. The mild winter we had didn’t kill off enough of the population to keep it under control. We are expected to experience the worst tick and mosquito problem in recent history.

  2. They spread disease - Ticks and mosquitoes spread disease. Deer ticks, also known as blacklegged ticks, are the ones responsible for spreading Lyme disease. Symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, rash, migraines, chills, muscle, and joint aches, and fatigue. There is also another tick-borne illness that New York residents have to look out for - Powassan virus. Powassan virus can cause brain swelling and neurological disorders. Signs of Powassan virus include seizures, vomiting, headache, fever, memory problems, and impaired motor skills. But, ticks aren’t the only backyard pests that spread disease. Mosquitoes do as well. Mosquitoes spread malaria, West Nile virus, and Zika virus, among others. Symptoms range from fever and chills to lethargy, muscle ache, nausea, joint swelling, and rash.

  3. You can’t get rid of them on your own - You are just one person, and there isn’t enough bug spray and citronella to keep ticks and mosquitoes away from your yard. You can take steps to prevent them, or at least minimize the risk, but the threat of ticks and mosquitoes outside your backdoor won’t completely go away without professional help.


Ways to Prevent Ticks and Mosquitoes

At home you can take a few steps to prevent ticks and mosquitoes:

  • Wear pants and long-sleeved shirts, and be sure to tuck your pant legs into your socks.

  • Do not wear open-toed shoes when spending time in grassy or wooded areas.

  • Put on bug spray every time you go outside.

  • Trim your grass, keep the yard landscaped, and get rid of standing water.

  • Call the professionals.


Call Thomas Pest Services for an inspection of your home. Thomas offers a year-round pest solution that treats your yard and keeps you and your family safe so you can enjoy the beautiful weather the Northeast has to offer this time of year.