Thoms Pest Services Blog

Why Your Mulch May be Attracting Pests - And What You Can Do About It

Written by Admin | May 22, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Mulch is a wonderful addition to any garden or landscaping project. It provides a variety of benefits, including soil protection, weed control, and even aesthetic appeal. However, many people are surprised to learn that mulch can also attract pests. In this post, we’ll look at the reasons why mulch is attractive to pests and provide some practical tips for controlling the problem.


So, why are pests attracted to mulch? The answer lies in the mulch’s moisture content. The natural decomposition of mulch creates a cool and moist environment that is the perfect breeding ground for many pests. Additionally, the organic materials found in mulch are a natural food source for many insects and can aid in the development of larvae and eggs.

One of the most common pests attracted to mulch is termites. Termites are attracted to the moist environment created by the mulch and can easily make a home for themselves in the material. Once they have established a colony, they can quickly move on to nearby wooden structures and cause significant damage.


Another pest that loves mulch is the pesky ant. Ants are naturally drawn to sweet, sticky substances, and the decaying organic materials found in mulch provide an excellent food source. As they move around the mulch, they can easily make their way into homes and buildings, leading to an infestation.


However, it’s not just the typical pest suspects that are attracted to mulch. Snakes, rodents, and other unwelcome critters can also be drawn to the material. Snakes use the cool and moist conditions found in mulch as a hiding spot, making it a prime location for them to reside.

So, what can you do to prevent pests from taking over your mulch? Here are some tips to consider:

  • Choose the right type of mulch: Certain types of mulch are less attractive to pests than others. For example, cedar and cypress mulch contain natural oils that repel insects, while straw and pine needles are less hospitable to pests. On the other hand, hardwood mulch is attractive to pests, so you may want to avoid using it.
  • Use a layer of landscaping fabric: Before applying your mulch, consider laying down a layer of landscaping fabric to prevent pests from burrowing underneath. This is especially important if you’re installing new landscape beds, as it will make it more difficult for pests to establish themselves.
  • Keep your mulch dry: Moist mulch is a haven for pests, so it’s important to keep it as dry as possible. Make sure your landscape beds are properly drained and consider using a drip irrigation system to avoid over-watering.
  • Control weeds: Weeds can attract pests and provide them with an easy source of food. Regularly remove weeds from your mulch beds to discourage pests from settling in.
  • Monitor your mulch regularly: Regularly inspect your mulch for signs of pest activity, such as ant hills or termite tunnels. If you spot any problems, take steps to eliminate them as soon as possible.


Mulch provides numerous benefits to any landscaping project or garden, but it’s important to be aware of the potential risks that come along with its use. By understanding why pests are attracted to mulch and taking preventative measures to keep them away, you can enjoy the benefits of mulch without worrying about unwelcome guests. If you’re experiencing severe pest problems despite your best efforts, consider consulting with a professional pest control company to get to the root of the issue and find a solution that works for you.