Thoms Pest Services Blog

We Treat Little Things Like Big Things

Written by Admin | May 2, 2024 3:15:00 PM

When Bill Clark and Sarah Thomas-Clark started Thomas Pest Services in the New York Capital Region in 2010, they employed several principles to develop their approach to the business. Both Bill and Sarah had years of experience in the pest control service industry, and one thing they knew was that something that might seem like a “little thing” to them was likely a very “big thing” to their customers. They decided to emphasize this customer-centric approach to pest control service, and it has helped them grow their company into a thriving business serving the Capital area and the entire Hudson Valley. 


One big thing Bill and Sarah use to guide their progress is taking every customer seriously. They try to understand what each customer needs and ensure they can meet those expectations. This attention to detail has paid off with a satisfied customer base, many referrals, and awards for outstanding service. 


What are the little things?

You will always get an immediate response when you contact Thomas Pest Services. We will offer several ways for you to interact with our service staff so we can make the process straightforward and comfortable for each customer. You can call, email, or text us about anything. This option might seem like a little thing to us, but if you have called other companies and have yet to receive a response, it can be a big thing!


Our service personnel are trained to show respect for customers. This training includes understanding how things that might seem insignificant to the technician may be huge for the client. For example, our customers know that our personnel will confirm appointments before arriving to ensure they know of any new customer concerns. 


Our technicians will be in uniform and always wear booties when entering your residence. These simple courtesies are easy for us to offer but can greatly impact our clients’ satisfaction. Similarly, we note any special requests in a customer file. If you don’t want the doorbell to ring during your child’s nap time, we will contact you through an alternate method. These considerations demonstrate our respect for every client and help us build sustained relationships, which form the core of our success. 


Our “treat little things like big things” philosophy extends to your pest issues. While you may only encounter one spider or a small trail of ants, we understand that this occurrence may be extremely uncomfortable for you. We don’t minimize the problem–we solve it!


We uphold this standard internally as well. 

At Thomas Pest Services, we want to be sure that every team member knows how vital their role is in the collective success of our organization and the service we provide to our community. We celebrate birthdays and “Thomasversaries” with every employee and acknowledge their milestones and achievements. As we grow and prosper, so do our team members. We strive to be an employer of choice, demonstrating this commitment by treating little things as big things for our workforce. Every employee has the opportunity to grow and seek advancement with Thomas Pest Services, and we take pride in their “little and big” victories. 


Finally, our community is a “big thing” to us. We support local organizations that matter and actively partner with several, including Cerebral Palsy Awareness, Capital Region Toys for Tots, and the Open Door Soup Kitchen. We are proud of our community activities, our reputation, and our team!