Pests like ants, spiders, flies, roaches, rodents, pantry pests, and more are found living all over, and even the beautiful suburban town of Clifton Park, NY is not immune to the risks and damages they can cause. To help protect your New York property from pests, the local pest control experts at Thomas Pest Services have the ability and dedication needed to provide highly effective, modern, and environmentally responsible pest control solutions to keep Clifton Park pests out of any home or business. Our affordable pest control services provide customized solutions to meet the needs of any customer, from general residential pest control to targeted commercial pest control programs, and everything in between. We have what you need to keep your Clifton Park property free of invasive and potentially damaging New York pests. Contact us today at Thomas Pest Services to learn more about our pest control programs and how we can help you to create a barrier around your home or business to keep pests out!

Having Trouble with Pests In Clifton Park?

Insects and rodents are annoying and potentially destructive but you don't have to put up with them. Contact Thomas Pest Services for pest control and say goodbye to your pest problems.  Simply click on the free estimate button to get started!

Pests Active In Clifton park

Residential Pest Control In Clifton Park, NY

Protecting your home from the many pests that live in our area is best left up to a professional. Pest professionals have the knowledge, training, products, and technology needed to get to the root of a pest infestation, eliminate or remove the offending creatures, and provide the routine services needed to prevent future problems with pests. At Thomas Pest Services we can provide the residential services needed to protect your home from common New York pests including mice, spiders, roaches, stinging insectscarpenter ants, and more. Our Complete Care Plan offers our customers a year-round solution to common household pests and includes:

  • Every other month service visits

  • Interior and exterior treatments

  • Minor discretionary exclusion

  • The monitoring of all living areas including the basement and the attic

  • Termite monitoring

To learn more about the advantages of choosing our Complete Care Plan to protect your Clifton Park home from pests, or any of our other highly effective residential pest control services including our targeted Rodent Control services, or our seasonal Exterior Pest Guard service, get in contact with us today!


Flea Prevention Tips For Clifton Park, NY Residents

Fleas are tiny pests that are about the size of a fleck of dirt (1/8th of an inch in length), they have a flat, hard body, and six legs - including a pair of large very powerful back legs that allow them to have an astonishing 6-inch vertical jump. Fleas feed on the blood of humans and animals, and when populations are found inside or outside they can become very maddening for the people or animals that they are feeding on. Fleas will relentlessly bite their hosts leaving behind very small itchy bites. While fleas are most commonly associated with people who own pets, they can just as easily become problematic in pet-free homes, and because of this, it is important to abide by the following prevention tips to help stop these parasitic pests from finding their way into your Clifton Park home. Flea prevention tips include:

  • If you do own pets, keep them up-to-date on their flea preventative medications.

  • Vacuum and mop your home frequently, this is especially true for the areas of your home where your pets most frequently hang out.

  • Routinely check pets for signs of fleas.

  • Change bedding frequently.

  • If possible, do not bring upholstered furniture that is used into your home. Fleas or their eggs have the potential to hide in the seams of such items.

  • Remove bird or other wild animal feeders from your property, as they attract creatures that are often infested with fleas and other parasites.

Despite your best prevention measures, if fleas ever find their way into your Clifton Park home, the fastest and most effective way to completely get rid of them is to contact the flea control experts at Thomas Pest Services. We offer the flea control services that are needed to remove any size infestation from any Clifton Park home.


Commercial Pest Control Services In Clifton Park, NY

Just one ant, fly, roach, spider, or mouse in your business is one pest too many and can cause your business’ bottom-line and reputation to be negatively affected. By partnering with Thomas Pest Services you can be sure that the number of pests in your facility stays at zero, and that your company’s good name remains intact. At Thomas Pest Services we make sure that our commercial customers have the services and solutions in place to get rid of any sneaky pests that have made their way into your facility and to keep future pests out as well. To reach your business’ pest management objectives we can provide the following: inspection services, pest identification services, sanitation services, cultural, mechanical, and biological control services, 24-hour monitoring protection, habitat modification, exclusion, and reporting services. We pride ourselves on being a full-service pest control company, and in addition to treatment services, we also offer our commercial customers bioremediation services, sanitation reviews, and consulting services. Get in touch with us today to learn more and to put into place a commercial pest control program for your Clifton Park business.

How To Protect Your Clifton Park, NY Property From Termites

Termites are a destructive pest that if not guarded against can cause very serious damages inside of New York homes and businesses. Don’t let your Clifton Park property become home to wood-eating termites, protect it against termites with the help of the professionals found at Thomas Pest Services and the Sentricon® System with Always Active™. Our termite solutions begin with a thorough termite inspection performed by a knowledgeable technician. If treatment is needed we install Sentricon® with Always Active™, an incredibly effective way to eliminate the entire termite colony. Finally, we commit to follow-through by providing ongoing monitoring for termites and termite activity with the help of the Hex-Pro™ System. To learn more about protecting your Clifton Park home from highly damaging termites, contact the termite control professionals at Thomas Pest Services today!

Request Your Free Estimate

Ready to take the first step? Request a free estimate and let us tailor a pest control plan just for you.

For Expedited Service Call (518) 861-4921


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