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Recognizing Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month Is Personal to TPS


During March and throughout the year, Thomas Pest Services works to raise Cerebral Palsy awareness, a cause extremely personal to TPS owners Bill and Sarah Thomas-Clark.


Bill and Sarah's daughter Riley was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months old. With Riley's condition, a mild right-side spastic hemiplegia, she has stiffness in her arm and leg, making everyday tasks and movements difficult. Riley is a loving, determined, smart little girl with a contagious smile, and while Riley is not as fast, lacks coordination, and struggles with her gross and fine motor skills, she is no different from her fellow kids.


Riley's courage has inspired Thomas Pest Services to raise awareness about Cerebral Palsy, the effects it can have, and the people it touches so that we can collectively work toward a future where kids like Riley and their families have all the resources they need for daily life.

Jakes Help from HeavenTPS x Jake's Help from Heaven


Thomas Pest Services has partnered with Jake's Help From Heaven, a non-profit organization based in Upstate New York dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals with complex medical needs, such as Cerebral Palsy, to thrive. 


Jake's Help From Heaven provides a wide range of assistance for individuals and families impacted by complex medical needs and disabilities, including providing grants and financial aid, purchasing medically necessary equipment, covering transportation and lodging costs, delivering life-enhancing goods and services directly to those in need, and fostering a community so that all those impacted by these challenges know that they are never alone.

Gift Matching Fundraiser for Jake's Help From Heaven


In addition to raising knowledge and awareness of Cerebral Palsy, Thomas Pest Service is committed to making a financial donation to Jake's Help From Heaven, an organization that supports individuals living with complex medical needs. Join us in supporting this cause and raising awareness during Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.


Thomas Pest Services will match donations to Jake's Help From Heaven made during March 2025 up to $2,000 to further support the organization's critical mission.



Our 3 Core Goals 


Bill and Sarah would like to encourage everyone to remain open to both starting and listening to conversations regarding this and other causes. Each day with Riley brings its own challenges, but together, Bill, Sarah, and Riley know that they have the strength to overcome any obstacle.


Inform people about Cerebral Palsy and the difficulties that individuals living with cerebral palsy face. There are a number of myths and misconceptions surrounding cerebral palsy, but the more educated people are about the disability, the better life will be for those living with CP.


Change the way people interact with individuals with cerebral palsy or other impairments, and eliminate any reservations or insecurities people might have about how to interact with individuals with a disability.


The more you know about cerebral palsy and the factors that can cause it, the more you can inform those around you. Raising our voices and awareness is what will make a difference.

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