Thoms Pest Services Blog

Fall Pests Fun Facts: Halloween Creepy Crawlies | Thomas Pest Services

Written by Admin | Oct 10, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Halloween is right around the corner, and while you’re prepping costumes and decorations, there might be some uninvited creepy crawlies lurking in the shadows. Fall is prime time for pests, as cooler weather drives them indoors for warmth and food.


In the spirit of the spooky season, we’re breaking down a list of Halloween Creepy Crawlies, ranking the scariest fall pests that may try to crash your Halloween party — and we’ll share some fun (or spine-chilling) facts about each!


#5 Boxelder Bugs – The Fall Window Invaders

Let’s start out with an easy one: Boxelder bugs are harmless but can be creepy in numbers. They tend to gather around windows and doors, trying to find a way indoors as the weather cools. While they don’t cause damage, their sheer numbers can be intimidating.

  • Fun Fact: Boxelder bugs are named after the boxelder tree, where they tend to feed and lay eggs.
  • Why They're #5: These bugs aren’t particularly dangerous, but their swarming behavior can feel overwhelming, especially around Halloween when their black and orange coloring blends in with the spooky season.


#4 Stink Bugs – The Smelly Intruders

Stink bugs might not send you running in fear, but their sudden appearance in your home can still be quite unsettling. These bugs are more of a nuisance than a danger, but their smell is unforgettable (and not in a good way).

  • Fun Fact: Stink bugs release a foul odor as a defense mechanism when threatened, which is why they tend to live up to their name when handled.
  • Why They're #4: They don’t cause major damage, but their odor and ability to gather in large numbers make them a spooky (and smelly) addition to fall homes.


#3 Bats – The Iconic Halloween Creature

While not exactly a “pest,” bats often get lumped into the category because of their connection to spooky folklore and their tendency to make surprise visits inside homes during the fall. While they help control insect populations, bats can carry rabies, which makes them a little scarier.

  • Fun Fact: A single bat can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour — that’s like having a natural bug zapper in your backyard!
  • Why They're #3: Though beneficial, their association with vampire myths and the risk of rabies put them high on the creep factor.


#2 Spiders – The Web-Slinging Nightmares

Spiders are nature’s natural pest control, but that doesn’t stop them from sending shivers down your spine when you see one dangling from the ceiling. Some species of spiders are more active in the fall as they seek indoor shelter.

  • Fun Fact: The female northern black widow can live up to 3 years in the wild, which is relatively long for spiders, while males usually live for a few months.
  • Why They're #2: Their eerie appearance and surprise visits during the Halloween season make spiders a spooky staple — even though they’re usually beneficial!


#1 Rodents (Mice and Rats) – The Ultimate Halloween Invaders

Our top pick for fall! Rodent problems in homes are the scariest fall pest by far. Mice and rats top our list for their sneakiness and ability to squeeze into even the tiniest gaps. These pests don’t just bring a scare; they also spread diseases and chew through everything, including your walls and electrical wires.

  • Frightening Fact: Mice urinate constantly and are capable of dropping up to 25,000 fecal pellets each year!
  • Why They're #1: Their ability to infiltrate homes quickly and cause significant damage makes them the scariest pest to deal with during the fall season.


If you suspect rodents have moved in for the fall, professional pest control near you can help seal entry points and prevent infestations.


How to Prevent Creepy Crawlies in Your Home This Halloween

While Halloween decorations may feature fake bugs, spiders, and rodents, no one wants to deal with the real thing. Here are some pest control tips to keep your home pest-free this fall:


Seal Entry Points

Pests, especially rodents, can sneak in through the smallest gaps. Be sure to seal cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and foundations.


Eliminate Food Sources

Keep food stored in airtight containers, and don’t leave pet food out overnight. Rodents and insects will be less likely to move in if there’s nothing to eat.


Keep Your Home Clean

Regularly clean areas where pests are likely to hide, like basements and attics, to prevent infestations from taking root.


Trim Back Vegetation

Trees and shrubs close to your home provide a pathway for pests to enter. Trimming back branches can help reduce the likelihood of an invasion.


If you’re looking for more fall pest control tips, be sure to check out our blog on October pest control tips for homes in Upstate NY.


Professional Pest Control for the Creepiest Fall Pests

Sometimes, even your best DIY efforts aren’t enough to keep pests out. For guaranteed results, professional pest control services can ensure that your home stays safe from creepy crawlies this Halloween season.


At Thomas Pest Services, we specialize in keeping homes in the Capital Region and Hudson Valley pest-free. Whether you're dealing with rodents, insects, or other fall pests, our team is here to help. Give us a call at (518) 861-4921 or contact us for a free estimate, and may all your spiders be decorations this Halloween!