Thoms Pest Services Blog

All You Need to Know About Digger Wasps & Wasp Control | Thomas Pest Services

Written by Admin | Apr 12, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Digger wasps are an integral part of the insect world, representing over 130 species. These fascinating creatures can be found buzzing around gardens and fields during summer months, identified by their large black bodies with yellow stripes on the rear end - they even reach up to 1.5 inches in length! When it comes to sustenance, adult digger wasps feast upon flower nectar while larvae feed off insects brought back home for them. Common examples include cicada killers, great golden diggers, and mud daubers which all help pollinate plants for a healthier natural environment! While mostly harmless if left alone it's best not to tease these critters or encourage nesting near busy areas as better safe than sorry – contact a professional pest control service if that is ever required.


In the early days of spring, digger wasps emerge to mate and begin an interesting life cycle. Unlike their colony-forming counterparts, these solitary creatures don't need others around them in order to thrive - instead, they go on grand solo adventures! Female wasps hunt for insects which are then paralyzed by a venomous sting and brought back for her young DNA recipient before being left alone with it inside one of many little oval chambers that adorn its tunnel home. After hatching from the egg, larvae will feed upon their insect hostage until forming a cocoon where hibernation awaits all winter long. Come next year's first breath of warm air, however: emergence happens once again announcing another round of procreation; this time allowing those curious critters born last season to join in on earth’s endless circle dance themselves!


Digger wasps may seem intimidating, but they are actually quite harmless to humans and their possessions. They rarely ever sting if not provoked - it's only the female of the species that can do so. If you come across one of these creatures' nests in your yard, don't let them scare you off! Although digging tunnels for nest-building could cause minor damage to dirt patches on your property, digger wasps generally keep a low profile when there are people around.

If you have a troublesome digger wasp nest on your property, it's not something to take lightly. Though these solitary and passive-aggressive creatures are typically harmless, incorrectly identifying the nest could be hazardous for both yourself and your loved ones. It is recommended that an experienced pest exterminator handle bee and wasp removal for your home!


Are you having trouble with digger wasps on your property? To deter them, it's important to remove their favorite nesting spots. They require dry and sunny ground that offers good drainage along with a plentiful supply of insects for hunting. For peace of mind in dealing with the issue, contact Thomas Pest Services today! Our team has all the experience needed to get rid of any stinging insect problem quickly and safely.