Everything You Need To Know About Mouse Poop
Hunters study the tracks and droppings of the animals they hunt, so they can zero in on the kill. It makes sense that we should do the same when trying to eradicate pests from our house. So if you're looking to protect your home against mice, this is where to start.
It’s not raisins you see, and it certainly isn’t leftover Halloween candy on the kitchen floor. It’s mouse poop. Yes, your suspicions are correct. You have critters sneaking through your house at night, and you should be concerned. At the first sight of poop, inspect the rest of your home for mouse droppings and then call the professionals.
Here is Thomas Pest Services complete guide to doing mouse poop patrol in your home:
Mouse Poop Guide
What does mouse poop look like?
There are many things you can learn from mouse droppings:
- The size of the mouse that left it
- The possible number of mice infesting your home
- Whether or not they are still active
First of all, you won’t notice a problem from a single piece of feces. It is not uncommon for mice to leave more than 50 pellets per day around your home. In fact, a single mouse can leave behind 70 droppings a day. Some estimate this number can be as much as 150! So, your first sign that a mouse left those droppings is the sheer quantity. The greater the amount of mouse poop you find around your home, the larger the infestation.
Rarely will you see the mouse or mice that left the droppings on your floor. They are nocturnal, so they are most active when you sleep at night. Mouse poop in the kitchen and other areas of the home are how most people learn they have a mouse infestation problem.
If you discover several droppings of different sizes, this is a good indication that mice are breeding in your walls. Varied sizes mean babies are running around, too.
Is it mouse poop or cockroach poop?
Sometimes cockroach droppings are mistaken for mouse droppings, but they do have many visual similarities. But while large roach droppings are brown or black, depending on the species, and cylindrical, like mouse poop, these droppings also contain ridges throughout the fecal matter. Mouse droppings, on the other hand, do not contain these ridges, tend to be larger, and contain short hairs. However, if you find a smear on the wall, you can know for sure that it was a cockroach.
How is mouse poop shaped?
Mouse poop looks like small pellets. The average size is like a grain of rice, and droppings are typically scattered along their travel paths, near food sources, and in nesting areas. Mouse droppings are usually about a fourth of an inch and spindle-shaped. If you look closely, you'll notice that they are fat in the middle and taper to a point. Many times, they will also bend in an arch.
What color is mouse poop?
Fresh droppings will be shiny and black, with a wet look to them. When squashed, they will have a consistency of putty. Fresh droppings mean an active infestation. Call a professional and have the mice safely removed. Old droppings have a grayish, moldy, dusty look to them, and crumble when squished. The age of the droppings can help you determine if the mice are still active in your home.
Where will you find mouse poop in the house?
If you have mice, the most common place you will find mouse poop is in the kitchen. This is because your pantry, cabinets, and counters provide mice with an unlimited food source. Mice, and cockroaches, often leave droppings in the back of your silverware drawer, in or behind food boxes, and under the kitchen sink. Mice poop can also be found in bedrooms, if food is present or was at one time. Mice enjoy garages, attics, and basements, especially if you store bird food, suet, and extra food in these areas.
Okay, you checked all the boxes and it's definitely mouse poop. Now what?
The Dangers of Mouse Poop
When you detect mouse poop in your home, you should be worried about more than the mice eating your food. You need to worry about them building nests in your walls, damage to your home, and damage to your health, too.
Mice are known to spread diseases, viruses, and bacterial illnesses that can harm you, your kids, and your pets. Mice carry salmonella, hantavirus, leptospirosis, hemorrhagic fever, and rat-bite fever.
Cleaning Mouse Poop
It is best to avoid handling mouse droppings directly, as contact can pose health risks. Risks are associated with mouse poop when you begin cleaning.
If you remove mouse poop before the professionals arrive, follow these best practices:
- DO NOT touch the mouse poop with your fingers.
- DO NOT VACUUM OR SWEEP mouse poop, unless it’s a HEPA filter vacuum.
- Doing so could stir it up and release airborne particles into the air.
- Wear a mask, make sure your hands are completely covered using rubber gloves, and wear long pants and sleeves.
- Carefully pick up mouse droppings with a paper towel or disposable rag.
- Dispose of the mouse poop in a bag, seal the bag with the paper towel/rag, and throw it out.
- Clean the area thoroughly with bleach or disinfectant spray.
Call the Pros
Dealing with a mouse infestation isn't a DIY task. Mice can contaminate food storage areas and utensils with their urine and feces, posing health risks. It's essential to clean these areas thoroughly and seal your home to prevent future infestations. Simply trapping and removing mice won't ensure your home's safety from these health hazards.
Call the professionals at Thomas Pest Services for safe and thorough cleaning. Thomas Pest Services offer complete expert rodent service to achieve and maintain a mouse-free environment!
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