What do Carpet Beetles look like?
There are a few different species of carpet beetles that can invade homes. Each species has a specific color and pattern associated with it. However, carpet beetles are all about the same size and shape. They range in length from 1/8th - 1/16th of an inch and are dome shaped; they are very similar to the shape of a lady bug.
Having trouble with Carpet Beetles?
Carpet beetles vs bed bugs
Carpet beetles and bed bugs are commonly confused for one another. This misunderstanding happens mainly because both carpet beetles and bed bugs can cause a similar skin rash (little red bumps). Listed below are some differences between the two to help you determine which of these pests are bothering you.
Bed bugs are about ¼ of an inch in length and are larger than carpet beetles who are only 1/8th - 1/16th of an inch in length.
Bed bugs actually bite you while carpet beetles only chew through your belongings. Carpet beetles feed on nectar, pollen, silk, furs, clothing and fabrics.
Carpet beetles create holes in your belongings and ultimately damages them. Bed bugs do not cause physical damage to your property.
The “skin rash” caused by bed bugs is because of actual bites. The rash from carpet beetles is caused by an allergic reaction to the hair bristles that are found on their abdomens.
Are carpet beetles dangerous?
Even though the hair bristles on carpet beetles can cause an allergic reaction in some people it is not extremely common. Carpet beetles are not considered to be dangerous to people or pets. However, carpet beetles have the potential to damage personal property.
How do you get rid of carpet beetles?
If you are wondering how to get rid of carpet beetles in your home, contact Thomas Pest Services! Once these pests make their way into a home they can be very difficult to eliminate without professional help. With the quality services our experts provide, you can count on the carpet beetles in your home to be eliminated as well as other pests.
Carpet beetle prevention tips
- Carpet beetles often enter into homes while foraging for food. To prevent carpet beetles from invading your home you should:
- Seal cracks and crevices found in the foundation and other exterior walls of your home.
- Caulk gaps found around exterior doors and windows.
- Seal gaps found around utility entrances.
- Make sure that any screens that are ripped or torn are replaced.

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