A Guide to New York Rodents
How long do rodents live? What kinds of problems can they cause for households? What do they eat? How do they get into homes? And how can you get rid of them? Have no fear: our Guide to New York Rodents is here to provide answers to those very...
How to Properly Remove a Tick
Having a tick attached to your skin can be an uncomfortable and even scary experience, but luckily removing one is simpler than it might seem. Check out the steps below to see how you can properly remove a tick.
Types of Ants In New York - Blog | Albany Ant Control
Feeling antsy? Upstate New York is occupied by a handful (or two) of different types of ants, and while not all of these tiny pests are much more than a relatively minor nuisance, some can cause real trouble. Here’s what you need to know about the...
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