Interview with Sarah Thomas-Clark
Why the pest management industry?
According to Punxsutawney Phil, his shadow earlier this month indicated another six more weeks of winter. Here in Capital Region and Adirondacks, we have fared well with the winter weather without much snow or fridge temperatures.
For the second year in a row the Bronx Zoo is offering a quirky, city-appropriate homage to love for Valentine's Day. Their program, "Name a Roach" allows you to devote a roach in name to your loved one for just ten dollars. Shell out a bit more...
Most people have one thing they just do not like. Personally, I do not like cats! A recent article, states actress/musician Vanessa Hudgens is scared of centipedes.
Have you noticed mysterious holes appearing in your Albany lawn? You might be dealing with a groundhog invasion. These furry diggers can wreak havoc on your property, but don't worry – Thomas Pest Control has the solution to keep your yard pristine...
The recent surge of bed bugs has recently affected several schools. Schools in Queens, NY, Scranton, PA and Secaucus, NJ are just a few to name who made the media coverage in the last week.
While rodent infestations don't usually have an...
Scientifically, it’s...
Hunters study the tracks and droppings of the...