Carpenter Bees vs. Honey Bees - Blog | Thomas Pest
When it comes to apis mellifera (known more commonly simply as bees), these are probably no two species that are more different than carpenter bees and honey bees. Carpenter bees represent some of the worst qualities- at least in relation to humans-...
Habitats in Homes: Bats
Bats aren’t by any means the worst pest to have hanging around your home; in fact they’re generally pretty harmless, and can even keep a mosquito presence on your property at bay. On the other hand, bat poop (called “guano”) can be the carrier of...
How Pests Changed Human History - Blog | Thomas Pest
Humans have always had a...complicated history with critters and insects that we consider a nuisance, and possibly even a danger. Over time, these creatures have been given a special kind of name: “pests”. The word pest has 2 definitions:
Prehistoric Pests: Squirrels
Squirrels can be quite a nuisance. They also can, in the right light, be...sort of cute. But have you ever wondered what squirrels were like millions of years ago? Were ancient squirrels hanging out in ancient attics and burying ancient nuts in...
The History of Pesticides
Pesticides can be a bit of a scary word. It elicits the mental image of dangerous chemicals, causing potential health problems for people and pets, all in the name of getting rid of some frustrating pests that are plaguing your home. But that’s a...
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