Pests That Prefer Lawns to Homes - Blog | Thomas Pest
When you think of pests, you often think of the kind that come into your home, and for obvious reasons: something that comes into your house, lives in your walls, and even takes up occupancy in your own bed is always more of an immediate threat that...
Pests In Ancient Egyptian Mythology - Blog | TPS
Different cultures mythologies are often interpreted as a reflection of their culture, which explains why many of the characters in these stories- though exaggerated and often outlandish- share at least some qualities of people and creatures that...
The Top Industries That Deal With Pests - blog | TPS
Pest control is important for homes, but it might be even more important for commercial businesses. A major pest infestation can spell trouble for any company, both for employees working inside the company and for customers entering the business or...
How Wildlife Choose Their Hiding Places
While summers in New York State are most notorious for their increased insect activity, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any wildlife pests to also worry about. Keeping wildlife away from your home and property boils down to one thing:...
Protecting Your Pets From Ticks - Blog | Thomas Pest
We’re quickly approaching the time of year in New York when tick activity starts to pick up again, with the second wave starting in mid-August and ending in November. While ticks do pose a threat to humans, they are also a big threat to pets,...